From Losing Yourself to Leading Yourself
Online Therapy for Sensitive Sovereignty-Seeking Women in Codependent Relationships in California & Texas
Do you hide your true self in relationships? The fear of being rejected, overwhelmed, and of having conflict is so distressing it’s kept you on mute.
Maybe you’ve buried the real & authentic you so deep beneath all the layers of caretaking and people-pleasing that you don’t even know what you truly want and how you actually feel anymore.
Out of fear of being “selfish”, you’ve forgotten your Self.
And yet, you’re unsatisfied, overburdened, and feel trapped and invisible to the world. You want to feel self confident, trusting of your intuition, and liberated in your full authentic expression.
What a relief that would be; to be steady in your center, grounded, spacious, and calm. Trusting who you are and knowing what to do. Connected and loyal to the spark of who you are AND in alignment with deep, fulfilling relationships where you, too, get to feel seen and heard. Where you, too, get to be free to exist in the world, exactly as you are.
And honestly, the world desperately needs people like you showing up in their full power & light right now.
Honoring your unique pace and natural rhythms, we’ll first connect with your deeper intentions for yourself. We’ll then gently explore, frame by frame, what is actually happening in these micro-moments on the different layers of your experience -the physical, the emotional, the relational, and the mental- that may be blocking you from what you really want. Through learning to slowly attune to self and consciously relate to what is happening in the here-and-now, versus playing out old patterns and stories on auto-pilot, we create new pathways and possibilities for showing up in the world in our fullness and truth.
The map to your True Self is already inside of you. I’m here to help you shine the light on it.
So How Do We Get Started?
Schedule a free 20 minute phone consultation
During the consult, ask any questions you have and we'll explore whether we may be a good fit.
Complete paperwork & begin therapy with an Intake Session
Welcome. I’m Samantha (she/her).
I’m a Psychotherapist who helps Highly Sensitive People give themselves permission to exist in the world with more authentic aliveness, connect with and trust who they really are beneath all the cultural and familial conditioning, and consciously create new life possibilities by first learning to relate to themselves with the true respect and care they deserve.